Saturday, December 19, 2015

Reader's Reactions: Jackaby

Hello Book Nerds!

          Three posts in three days!  It must be Christmas!  I wanted to get a second Reader's Reactions out so that readers could see another example in case they didn't like the first one.

          Today's book is Jackaby by William Ritter.  I saw this book on the shelf and the line in the blurb that caught my attention was "Doctor Who meets Sherlock".  I was sold.

          The story begins in 1890 when Abigail Rook arrives in New England in need of a job.  She soon runs into the eccentric R.F. Jackaby, an inspector of sorts who claims to be able to see the extraordinary.   When she realizes that the "extraordinary" includes supernatural beings that live hidden among us, she is instantly intregued.  With her own gift of noticing the ordinary but important details, she eventually convinces the strange man to hire her as his assistant.  With a household that includes a ghostly housekeeper and an intelligent duck in the attic, Abigail isn't entirely sure what she's gotten herself into.  She's soon swept away into her first case.  A serial killer is stalking the streets and the victims' deaths are preceded y the wails of a banshee that only they can hear.  Soon things get very dangerous as they must work with and around the authorities, including a handsome young policeman, in order to catch this killer that Jackaby is certain is not human.


REALITY: 4 stars

(NOTE: no major spoilers)
  • The way they author describes Jackaby is so much like Benedict Cumberbatch that I laughed out loud.  The mention of the scarf reminded me of the fourth Doctor (from Doctor Who).
  • Abigail Rook was a bit cliché at the beginning, but I began to see more and more similarities between her and Watson as time went on and she grew on me.
  • I love the ghost that lives in Jackaby’s house!  She’s a great adaptation of Mrs. Hudson.
  • The whole part about the banshee was really interesting.  I like how they went into the history that those kinds of stories came from.
  • They really captured Jackaby/Sherlock’s quirkiness well.  He's serious, with just enough ridiculousness and childishness thrown in.
  • The jar for bail money that Jackaby had ready was hilarious. 
  • This was more like "Sherlock meets Supernatural" than "Sherlock meets Doctor Who".
  • I think it’s adorable how Jackaby finally gets her her own “detective’s” notebook at the end when he accepts that she’s staying.
  • There were plenty of cute funny moments.  I especially liked the ending, which comprised of a note Jackaby dictated to Abigail.  He gave a detailed and fascinating history of the tuning fork he was demanding be returned to him.  At the end of the note however, Abigail adds her own note of “Please give it back.  Jackaby’s being more annoying than usual.” (or something close to that).  So when they get the tuning fork returned with a note that says “I completely understand.” Jackaby is smug and Abigail is amused.  I thought it was a great ending.
  • I can’t wait for more books about Jackaby!   The next one is called Beastly Bones and just came out this September.  I need to get on that!

books:           I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes mysteries.  You don't have to be a Sherlock, Doctor Who, or Supernatural fan to enjoy it. 

The Crazy Book Lady

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